Asi es la vida en Peru

A sketch of life in Lima

Monday, April 02, 2007

Trujillo & Huanchaco

I visited my friend Katitza in a city along the north coast called Trujillo. Its city center had a lot of impressive old Spanish colonial buildings and cathedrals and a big square with a big marble monument. Near the city were some impressive ruins called the Temple of the Moon and of the Sun. Some of the old engravings and even the original paint were well-maintained in parts of the Temple of the Moon. Seeing where the Inca sacrificed humans to the Gods was quite astonishing. One of the pictures above is the platform where the sacrifices took place. You can just imagine the blood dripping down the stairs...

We also had a chance to visit a beautiful beach called Huanchaco. The banana shaped shadows in the picture are straw boats used by fishermen in the region.


Blogger Katitza said...

Disfruté siendo tu guía durante tu visita a Trujillo, espero te haya gustado esta ciudad, y creo que de más está decirte que aquí cuentas con una amiga en la que puedes confiar....EVER

2:11 PM  

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