Asi es la vida en Peru

A sketch of life in Lima

Sunday, March 04, 2007

The beach house II/San Bertolo

I had another nice weekend at Tere's beach house. Here are some pictures of the house along with a picture with Amira. I also met Lucytania (bottom picture far right), family friend of Tere's, who lives in San Bertolo, a few kilometers south of Punta Negra (where Tere's house is). Lucytania does surfing competitions and is a very good painter. She introduced me to a bunch of her friends and we stayed out until 6 in the morning dancing as usual.


Blogger Unknown said...

So your espanol is improving?? Disculpame que he tomado tanto tiempo para chequear tu blog. Tu vida alla me parece muy interesante. Tienes un foto de la chica que parece a mi? Suerte con tu trabajo y tus exploraciones.
besos, Bajeana

10:49 PM  

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