Asi es la vida en Peru

A sketch of life in Lima

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yacht party

Since Tere has been acting as my social agent, I have had quite a social life. She has contacted all the young people that she knows and set up plans for me to meet them. I was invited to join some of my newly made friends for a yacht party.

Mariana is the daughter of Tere's second cousin and she had around 20 people board her family's yacht at La Punta marina last Friday night. I first met Mariana on Valentine's Day, which here is the Day of Love and Friendship. Our plan was to join some of her friends to throw water balloons at lovers in the park. This is apparently a popular activity during the "Carnaval" season. Unfortunately, by the time our group of about ten got together, the corner store that sold the water balloons was closed. Still, I was able to meet a good group of people my age that I have since kept in touch with and made plans.

The yacht party was interesting. We didn't leave the marina, but had quite a festive time with music blasting and Christmas lights lining the deck. I met several interesting people including a Peruvian marine and an electrical engineer that had travelled all over the Americas and Europe. I think the electrical engineer was there for dual purposes since the boat's electrical system didn't work and we were using a generator to power the music and lights. About half of us slept comfortably on the boat and the other half left for their homes around 4AM.

This is a picture of Mariana and me on the front end of her yacht the next morning.


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